While most business owners are familiar with Buy-Sell and Key-Person arrangements funded via Life Insurance policies, often times we find that many are not familiar with alternative methods for providing the premium payments required.
Leveraging life insurance programs are an ideal way to fund new and existing Buy-Sell and Key-Man agreements. However, the idea of liquidating high-yielding investments in order to pay the premiums of a life insurance policy may not be an appealing one. There are funding alternatives available that will allow you to acquire the life insurance you need by leveraging existing assets while not disrupting the growth of your portfolio.
Using an alternative means to acquire life insurance through your Legacy Trust may provide an attractive alternative for getting the benefits of life insurance without potentially jeopardizing your assets' ability to earn interest.
With a premium funded alternative, you can acquire the life insurance coverage you need and you’re required out of pocket expense may be eliminated depending on the strategy employed.
If you would like to take a deeper dive into the components of premium financing and premium finance case design, contact us to arrange an in depth discussion.
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CBA Premium Funding is a DBA of Cascade Brokers Alliance Inc
* $500K minimum annual premium required
* Program access by invitation only - NDA required